Aluminum SEG Lightbox Displays

Aluminum SEG Lightbox Display, 10'W x 8'H

You can upload one or more artwork files at the end of the buying process. There are currently 0 units in stock for this product. If you need a greater quantity, please contact us.
Quantity Discounts

More quantity you buy, more discount you obtain!!!

The specific discount for each product case is automatically shown in the form.

You can see the specific discount scale below:

  • 1 to 4 units -0%
  • 5 to 10 units -3%
  • 11 to 20 units -8%
  • From 21 units -10%
Backlit Fabric, 5.6 Oz
Graphic Sides
Double Sided
Single Sided
Production Time

Production Time refers specifically to our printing & processing time, excluding the shipping; and it begins as soon as your artwork has been uploaded and you press the “Send to Production” button of each job. If you required a digital proof for your graphic, our production time begins only after you have approved your digital proof.

Jobs must be Sent to Production before 3:00 PM East Time to consider this same day as the beginning of our production time.

Our timing is based on normal business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal Holidays.

If you choose to "Include Proof” in your order, a Digital Proof will be sent to you via email in the next hours, and the production process will begin once the approval is given.

If the File is not considered “good to print” by our staff, we will contact you in the next hours and you could choose to send us another file, or print “as is”. In the first case, the Turnaround time starts from time the new file is received and approve by our staff.

Digital Proof

We only offer Digital Proof.

Please note that if you request a Digital Proof, production time will start from the proof approval.

The Digital Proofs are designed only to check the placement of elements, not for Color Correction, since we do not match Pantone colors, paint charts, 3M vinyl charts, customer provided color charts or any other color matching. We only print 4 color process (CMYK). If you are using Spot or Pantone colors, please convert them to CMYK.

Besides consider that printed colors may vary from your monitor due to display calibration.

Plus shipping and tax, if applicable

Choose your preferred shipping time and please consider this will be added to our Turnaround, which is also called Production Time.

24 characters maximum

Please fix these first

You’ll be able to upload your artwork at the end of the process

FULL PACKAGE: Hardware + Custom Printed Graphic

If double-sided, you can display the same or different artwork on both sides.

The graphics of our displays must be designed using our provided template and are only compatible with our hardware.

Our Aluminum SEG Lightbox Display 10'W x 8'H is a stunning and ultra light marketing solution to create brilliant presentations of your brand, company or promotions at trade shows, conferences and point of purchases events.

This lightbox display is an illuminated unit with LED lights in the sides and made of a resistant and ultra slim aluminum frame. It’s extremely lightweight and can be set up very fastly with tool-free assembly. Its minimum weight assures an easy portability of its package.

Aluminum SEG Lightbox Display 10' W x 8' H printing quality assures the best printing results on market.

- Illuminated Unit with LED Lights in the Sides.

- Single or Double Sided SEG Graphics.

- High Quality Aluminum Display.

- Frame Color: White.

- Great Visual Impact.

- Remarkable Stability.

An excellent SEG Lightbox Display solution for:

Exhibitions, Conferences, Seminars, Presentations, Points of Purchase & Promotional Activities.

Artwork Specifications:

Accepted File Formats: JPEG and PDF.

Prepare your artwork in the exact size of the graphic you are ordering. No crop marks. All fonts must be outlined.

We suggest 150 dpi resolution at 100% of the final print size (1:1). Required Color Space: CMYK.

Artwork Specs & Guidelines »»

Download our Templates for this Product:

Aluminum SEG Lightbox Display, 10'W x 8'H, Single Sided

Aluminum SEG Lightbox Display, 10'W x 8'H, Double Sided

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